Our interdisciplinary program integrates methods and approaches from linguistics, psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, and computer science, to study thought and behavior. Our faculty have highly diverse research interests, and serve as graduate advisors, committee members, and collaborators.
Prospective or current students with questions about our undergraduate program are invited to contact us for more information: cis-cogs-chair@lists.ucmerced.edu.
The CIS program has multiple means of supporting graduate students. During each academic year, Ph.D. students are funded as either teaching assistants, research assistants, or through internal or external fellowships. All of these positions provide a full stipend and complete tuition waiver. Students almost always receive some form of summer stipend in order to support their research activities when classes are not in session.
Cognitive Science undergraduate student Maya Manesh has been awarded the Carter Joseph Abrescy and Larry Kranich Library Award for Student Research Excellence. Awarded annually by the UC Merced...
More than seventy-five undergraduate students, graduate students, and professors attended the first annual Brain Waves Research Symposium and Conference on March 1. The event was...