Embodied cognition; AR/VR technology; human-computer interaction in pedagogy
Wealth inequality, political structure, cultural evolution, agent-based models
Computational modeling, cognitive alignment, language emergence and change, artificial intelligence
Changes in language usage, semantics, natural language processing
Motor learning/control, cognitive resource limits, nonlinear analysis, Cognitive motor interaction, NOISE
Language acquisition, lexical access, bilingualism, executive functions, language change
Meaning, eudaimonia, consciousness/experience, happiness, wellbeing, self, connection, altered states, psychedelics
Human-computer interaction, human-robot interaction, evolutionary psychology, technology and cognition, decision-making
Social & behavioral dynamics; complex systems theory; complexity economics; political economy;cooperation; collective action; mathematical & agent-based modeling
Biological basis of language production and its malfunctions, computational cognitive science, human-robot interaction, psychiatric clinical populations
Perception of errors, the role of uncertainty in consciousness
Decision-making, risk and uncertainty, visual cognition and emotions
Motor control and learning; dynamical systems; cognitive aging; and human-computer interaction
Computational Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Control, Working Memory, Decision Making, and EEG.
Computational Cognitive Neuroscience, Consciousness, Executive Functions, Embodied Cognition, Mental representations, Neural Networks, Artificial intelligence, Cognitive Robotics
Collective intelligence, evolution, complex adaptive systems, systems collapse, Austrian economics, agent-based models
Communication, complexity, data science, dynamics, embodiment, emergence, gesture, language
Cooperation and collective action; evolution of institutions; multi-level selection theory; hierarchy and inequality; complex systems; formal modeling
Variability in skill learning, cognitive neuroscience, artificial intelligence
Cultural evolution, decision-making under risk and uncertainty, cooperation, hierarchy, kinship
Consciousness, philosophy of mind, artificial intelligence, computational cognitive neuroscience
Music cognition & perception, multimodal integration, music-language interaction
Bilingualism and cognition, bilingualism in education, language and thought, metaphor
Multimodal integration, Developmental cognitive neuroscience
Foraging behavior, ecological psychology, neural networks, decision-making
cognitive neuroscience applications in instructional design and content sequencing for STEM learning, oculomotor behaviors, and eye-tracking
Interpersonal coordination, language, music improvisation, music cognition
Sensorimotor and cognitive neuroscience; music cognition; physiological response to music