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November 10, 2022
Assistant Professor Tyler Marghetis was an invited expert on episodes of two different podcast series. On the Simplifying Complexity podcast, he was invited to discuss the science of resilience and revolution in complex systems, from the global climate to individual minds. On the IFL Science Big...
August 1, 2022
Professor of Cognitive and Information Sciences Paul Smaldino has joined the Santa Fe Institute as a member of their external faculty. Described by Rolling Stone magazine as a “Justice League for renegade geeks,” the Santa Fe Institute is the world's leading research center for...
June 7, 2022
Researchers from CIS will be out in force at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society this summer in Toronto, Canada. This peer-reviewed conference draws cognitive scientists from around the world. Four CIS graduate students and three CIS faculty members have had their research accepted...
May 31, 2022
CIS Professor Tyler Marghetis is on eof 74 to be named a Kavli Fellow by the National Academy of Sciences at the 2022 Kavli Frontiers of Science U.S. Symposium, which is the Academy’s premiere activity for distinguished young scientists.
March 4, 2022
Much of online conversation today consists of signaling one’s political identity. When communicating in mixed groups, do people use "covert" signals that are recognizable by their own political in-group but easy for outsiders to miss? Cognitive and Information Sciences Associate...
December 22, 2021
Prof. Michael Spivey was named a Fellow of the Society by the Cognitive Science Society! According to the announcement, "Fellows of the Cognitive Science Society are individuals whose research has exhibited sustained excellence and had sustained impact on the Cognitive Science community....
December 14, 2021
Prof. Lace Padilla co-authored a publication in Psychological Science in the Public Interest that outlines guidelines for creating clear data visualizations and the research that backs them up. As Jonathan Schwabish writes in a commentary, "Franconeri et al. (2021), set the stage to understand...
November 22, 2021
A new study co-authored by Cognitive and Information Sciences Professor Paul Smaldino focuses on the impact of replication studies on psychologists' beliefs. The researchers found that psychologists did update their beliefs in accord with new evidence, and that they were also accurate in...
November 10, 2021
Based on an international survey of current Ph.D. students and recent Ph.D. graduates in philosophy, CIS Prof. Carolyn Dicey Jennings and CIS graduate student Alex Dayer have analyzed the sociodemographic diversity and career pathways of philosophers. Their report is forthcoming in the journal...
October 11, 2021
CIS PhD Candidate Shannon Proksch has received the Cognitive & Information Sciences Graduate Student Spotlight Award for her exciting research and invaluable service to the department. Congrats, Shannon! Read more about Shannon in her "spotlight" feature on the main page of the School...
