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August 29, 2016
  We followed up with Drs. Alexandra Paxton and Drew Abney about their new adventures. Both recent Ph.D. graduates from UC Merced’s Cognitive & Information Sciences program, Alex is one semester into her postdoc at UC Berkeley on big data, and Drew is beginning his postdoc at...
May 7, 2016
Cognitive Science professor Dr. Paul Maglio received a gift from Nissan Research to help support his lab’s studies on the relationship between human drivers and software systems that support autonomous vehicles. This research project asks critical questions about these emerging technologies,...
March 11, 2016
CIS faculty Rick Dale has been awarded an Early Career Impact Award from the national Federation of Associated Behavioral and Brain Sciences (FABBS) foundation. The award is given every year to a handful of scholars, and is “presented to early career scientists of FABBS member societies...
January 4, 2016
CIS faculty Anne Warlaumont has recently secured two NSF grants for UC Merced research, representing over $800,000 in support of faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates conducting this research. Each supports her investigation of how babies learn to vocalize by developing quantitative data-...
October 15, 2015
A project by CIS Prof. Chris Kello entitled “Generating Speech with Critical Branching Networks” has been funded by a Google Faculty Research Grant. The grant will fund graduate student research for the next two years to explore how dynamic networks that Prof. Kello is pioneering can...
October 5, 2015
CIS faculty Prof. Ramesh Balasubramaniam is part of an exciting multi-institutional and multidisciplinary agenda to study musical experience and community through the lens of the cognitive and neural sciences. Known as the UC Music Experience Research Community Initiative (MERCI), it has now...
September 18, 2015
Cognitive & Information Sciences professors Dr. Carolyn Dicey Jennings and Dr. David Noelle visited India this last summer to share the wonders of modern neuroscience with communities of Tibetan Buddhist monks. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama has long supported scientific study, making bold...
